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Clematis, the remaining leaves

Here are the explanations you will need to finish making the leaves.


There are 8 leaves left to embroider and to facilitate the work, as before I numbered them.

As the realization progressed, I adopted a way of working applicable to each leaf.

After having underlined the outline and the veins of the leaf, I completely filled the surface of the pattern with the main colors and only then I added the different shades of green in small touches to finish with the shadows.



Leaf n°1

Embroider the outline of the leaf with split backstitch color 928 and the veins with color 934, all with 1 thread.

Fill the entire surface of the leaf with the colors 772 and 928 as shown in the picture.

Then apply the colors 501, 502 and 3348 in small touches.

Place the shadows with the colors 501 and 934.

Leaf n°2

Embroider the outline and the veins with the color 501 then apply the colors 3817 and 3347.

Finish filling the leaf with color 501 and embroider the shadow with color 934.

Leaf n° 3

After embroidering the veins with color 502, fill the leaf completely with color 928.

Finish by placing the colors as shown in the photo.

Leaf n° 4

Starting at the top of the leaf, embroider colors 928 and 772.

Add colors 503 and 502.

Leaf n° 5

Start this new leaf by embroidering the right part with colors 502 and 3817.

Finish this part with the color 934 for the shade and prepare the right part with the color 501.

Fill with color 928.

Underline the vein with color 503 and apply the shadow with color 934.

Leaf n° 6

Embroider the veins with color 502. Fill the right part of the leaf with the color 928 and the left part with the color 503.

Add a few stitches with color 502 and finish with color 934.

Leaf n° 7

Add a few stitches with color 502 and after having embroidered the veins with color 502, fill the upper part with color 772 and the lower part with color 928.

Apply the different colors in small touches as shown in the photo.

Leaf n° 8

Embroider the veins with color 3347 and fill in the leaf with color 772.

Finish by placing the different colors as shown in the photo. Insist on the color 3348 to give this leaf its particular color.