How to embroider a dragonfly step by step

Here are the instructions to embroider a dragonfly step by step.
We used the following stitches
Split back stitch
Straight stitch
Stem stitch
Satin stitch
All of the embroidery is executed with DMC cotton floss and hereafter are the colors we used.
DMC 518, 161, 3727 and 3747
Original design available for download here
Embroider the outline of the abdomen with split back stitch 1 thread.
Fill all the different body parts longitudinally with straights stitches 3 threads.
Embroider atop the filling transversely with satin stitch 1 thread. To obtain very regular stripes, embroider both colors alternately, always maintaining the same number of rows ( 7 in this case).
Complete the abdomen alternating both colors as smoothly as possible.
The head and the eyes are embroidered in the same way.
Embroider first all the tiny lines in the wings with straight stitch 1 thread.
thanks for this tutorial. Very helpful to me.
You are welcome Regina. I like the way you embroider. It is very lively and colorful.