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The Russian vase and Raoul Dufy

First of all the Russian vase …

… in my memory but in fact it is not Russian at all!

Indeed in 1966 (a long time ago, I know), I had the chance to make with my parents a trip to Russia which at that time was still very “Soviet”. Under the strict supervision of a rather rebarbative female guide, I remember having visited a number of museums, including the magnificent Hermitage of St-Petersburg ( in that time named Leningrad), which has left me an unforgettable memory. Unfortunately, there was also a whole series of small museums less interesting and rather dusty and of which left me only confuse memories. Except for one, a small blue vase, enameled and decorated with flowers and that I would gladly have brought back in my luggage.

So I researched the Internet and came to the following conclusion

It is certainly a vase created by the “Emaux de Longwy” in France. It is a manufactory that is very famous worldwide and still exists today.

Emaux de Longwy


Vase bowl, 1935

And then Raoul Dufy …

a painter I’m very fond of. I was always fascinated by his way of creating a movement in a few strokes and filling his canvases with uniquely vivacious colors.

I will not tell you more and I leave you to discover (for the French speaking among you as I didn’t find the equivalent of this website in English)…

Raoul Dufy

Bouquet of flowers

Yellow Flower Bouquet

And my embroidered memory …

if you also want to embroider it you will find this model in my online shop.

The Russian vase