Flower show
This project, the Flower Show, comprises a succession of small floral motifs.
The idea I wanted to express through this work is to propose a whole series of small subjects to be embroidered together or individually.
They’re quick and easy to make, and any of them can be used to decorate a towel, handkerchief, cloth, small case, or any other support.
To embroider them, I only used basic stitches, which you can find explained in the “stitches” section of this blog if necessary.
However, I’ve decided not to give any indication as to the choice of colors, leaving you free to create your own unique and creative work.
You can download the design HERE, along with a second page with pattern numbering to guide you.
Pattern 1
Start by making the pot, embroidering 5 parts in horizontal satin stitch with 1 thread and 2 rows of stem stitch side by side with 2 threads at the top. Then embroider the flower in a multi-color blanket stitch with 1 thread and finish with a French knot 2 wraps 2 threads in the center. The leaves are filled in satin stitch with 1 thread.
Pattern 2
First, embroider the corollas and central parts of the large flowers in satin stitch with 1 thread, then place a 1-thread trellis stitch on the hearts. Embroider the stems in stem stitch and the leaves in satin stitch, all with 1 thread. Work the various parts of the pot in satin stitch, varying the colors and direction of the stitches, finishing with a 2-thread stem stitch at the top.
Embroider the right-hand basket in weaving stitch and the flowers with French knots using 2 wraps and 2 threads.
Embroider the central bowl in horizontal long and short stitch with 1 thread, the flowers in spider web stitch also with 1 thread, and the leaves with lazy daisy stitch with 2 threads.
Patterns 3 and 4
To embroider the motif on the right, start with the stems in 2-thread stem stitch, then embroider the flowers in 1-thread blanket stitch and a 2-thread 2 wraps French knot for the hearts, adding a few 1-thread straight stitches for decoration. With 1 thread, in satin and long and short stitch, embroider the different parts of the vase, varying the direction of the stitches, then decorate with straight stitches in various colors with 2 threads.
The yellow flowers on the left are made with satin stitch 1 thread, and the small white flowers with French knots 2 threads and 2 wraps. The stems are embroidered in stem stitch and the leaves in fishbone stitch, all with 1 thread. Embroider the pot’s body in 1-thread long and short stitch, interspersed with 2 rows of 3-thread overlock chain stitch. Fill in the central pastille with satin stitch in a contrasting color and cover with fly stitch, all with 1 thread.
Pattern 5
For this large motif, work as follows: start with the pot, embroidering it from the outside inwards, first with 2-thread double chain stitch, then with a 1-thread long and short stitch stripe, followed by 2 rows of 2-thread chain stitch and, finally, covering the central part with 2-thread fly stitch. Finish the top and bottom of the vase with 2-thread stem stitch. Next, embroider the flowers using large radiating straight stitches with 2 threads and complete with 2-thread 2-wraps French knots. Embroider the leaves in 1-thread satin stitch.
Patterns 6, 7 and the snail
The pot for the motif on the right is made using long and short stitch for the main part and satin for the top edge, all with 1 thread. The flowers are embroidered in satin stitch, decorated at the top with a 2-turn French knot and 2 tiny straight stitches, all with 1 thread. Stems are embroidered in stem stitch with 1 thread.
To embroider the large central basket and give the object a woven effect, I first distributed a 2-thread Palestrina stitch on each line of the design and then filled in the empty area with large 2-thread straight stitches, adapting the direction of these stitches to those of the Palestrina. The plant stems are embroidered in stem stitch and the leaves in double lazy daisy stitch, all with 2 threads.
The snail’s body is made in satin stitch with one thread and the shell is in a spiral blanket stitch with 2 threads. The small roses are embroidered in bullion stitch and the leaves in lazy daisy stitch with 2 threads.