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Small varied patterns

Here are the patterns necessary to realize this project After downloading, print, and draw them onto your fabric.

Sweet moment

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this project After downloading, print, and draw it onto your fabric.

Needle painted Dahlia

Here is the pattern and the thread color list necessary to realize this project After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Needle painted butterfly

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this butterfly After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Mixed techniques

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this project dedicated to mixed techniques After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Raspberries and Butterflies

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this small project  After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

A festive Sunday

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this small bouquet. After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

New embroidered Pashmina pattern

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this new embroidered Pashmina design. After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.      

Blue Vase

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this vase After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Flower show

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this flower show After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Birds Song

Here is the pattern necessary to realize these birds After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.


Here is the pattern necessary to realize this small landscape After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Christmas Bauble

Here is the pattern necessary to realize this Christmas bauble After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.

Fall colors

Here is the pattern necessary to realize these autumn  leaves  After downloading the pattern, print it and draw it onto your fabric.