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A beautiful finish

Here are all the explanations necessary to realize a classic finish and nice neat corners for your embroideries.

This is the method used to prepare any table or toilet linen that you want to embroider.

To illustrate the explanations, we work here on a 24 square embroidery with a hem of 2 cm.

To do this, use a 32 cm square piece of fabric and add about 1 cm additional margin all around.

For the work of our example, the central part to be embroidered is 20 cm / 20 cm. Subtract 2 cm of hem height on each side from the finished piece.

Start by pulling threads (4 times 1 thread, as in the picture) spaced from the height of the hem, here 2 cm. Start with the outer thread leaving about 0.5 cm of margin at the edge of the fabric and make sure to leave about 2 cm of thread in each corner for the strength of the work.

The drawn thread no. 1 corresponds to the bottom of the hem and delimits the surface to be embroidered.

The drawn thread n ° 2 corresponds to the top of the hem, that means the edge of the completed work.

The drawn thread no. 3 corresponds to the lower part folded and turned on the back of the hem which will be sewn with the drawn thread no. 1.

The drawn thread no. 4 serves to cut the fabric neatly to have a clear flap inside the hem.

The picture shows a corner of the work on the wrong side and a few cm of uncut threads.

Cut the fabric on all 4 sides along the drawn thread n° 4.

Fold the right side of the fabric by aligning the corners perfectly and holding with pins. The side you can see on the picture is the wrong side.


With a pencil, mark the fabrics perpendicularly to the fold between the drawn threads No. 2 and 3.

This work needs to be done very precisely.





Sew with small back stitches on the stroke by firmly ending the thread at both ends.


Cut the fabric leaving about 1/2 cm of the fabric along the seam. Also, remove some fabric at the tip of the corner to avoid a thickness.

Open the seam with the iron.


Turn the corners and fold the hem flap along the drawn thread n°3 inward on the wrong side of the fabric.





Maintain the hem with a running stitch (on the reverse side of the work) by aligning the corners perfectly.

The drawn threads n ° 1 and 3 are superimposed.


Here is the back of the embroidery. You can distinguish the seams of the corner perfectly placed in the corners of the work.

The hem is sewn with Hem stitch.

Here is the right side of the finished work.

There are no visible marks in the corners.