A 3 pages PDF document with full instructions, a list of used threads and pictures for instant download, no shipping required. You are buying a digital file to download, save, and view/print at home.
A 6 pages PDF document with full instructions, a list of used threads and pictures for instant download, no shipping required. You are buying a digital file to download, save, and view/print at home.
A colorful Heart
On sand colored linen, dim about 14cm x 18 cm
10 different stitches
Stem stitch, straight stitch, split backstitch, fishbone stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, lazy daisy stitch, spider web stitch, lattice stitch, French knot.
For this model, we used
Soie d'Alger from Au Ver à Soie or DMC cotton and extra fine silk from Stef Francis or any variegated thread .
Threads are not included with the kits.
This heart is made up of a variety of brightly colored leaves and flowers.
The printed linen comes with detailed explanations and a complete list of the threads used.
Anthea's Garden
On sand coloured linen, dim about 13 cm x 25 cm
12 different stitches
Stem stitch, French knot, lazy daisy stitch, straight stitch, back stitch, split backstitch,
satin stitch, long and short stitch, bullion stitch, ribbed spider stitch, blanket stitch, woven stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC or Soie d'Alger (Au Ver à Soie)
variegated Stef Francis fine Silk
Threads are not included with the kits.
Sweet Christmas
On sand colored linen, dim about 25 cm x 20 cm
8 different stitches
Stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, double lazy daisy stitch, satin stitch, backstitch, split backstitch, French knot, spider web.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded variegated cotton House of Embroidery
raw silk House of Embroidery
metallic thread Nº 4 from Le Ver à Soie
Threads are not included with the kits.
A 3 pages PDF document with full instructions, a list of used threads and pictures for instant download, no shipping required. You are buying a digital file to download, save, and view/print at home.
Gypsy Heart
On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 10 cm
11 different stitches
Stem stitch, split backstitch, fishbone stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, straight stitch, French knot, blanket stitch, chain stitch, lazy daisy stitch, ribbed spider stitch.
For this model, we used
DMC and House of Embroidery stranded cotton.
Threads are not included with the kits.
This heart is made up of a variety of brightly colored leaves and flowers in very bright colors.
The printed linen has detailed explanations and a complete list of the threads used.
A 4 pages PDF document with full instructions, a list of used threads and pictures for instant download, no shipping required. You are buying a digital file to download, save, and view/print at home.
A scent of violets
On sand colored linen, dim about 13cm x 13 cm
8 different stitches
Stem stitch, split backstitch, fishbone stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, straight stitch, French knot, wheatear stitch.
For this model, we used
DMC and House of Embroidery stranded cotton.
Threads are not included with the kits.
This heart is made up of a variety of brightly colored leaves, tulips and ranunculus.
The printed linen comes with detailed explanations as well as a complete list of the threads used.
An Easter egg in the colors of the time
On sand or vanilla colored linen, dim about 10 cm x 8 cm
9 different stitches
Stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, split backstitch, fly stitch, French knots, seed stitch, straight stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton House of Embroidery
DMC stranded cotton
Threads are not included in the
Yellow nuances Pack of 6 skeins of 5m of different colors in the same range of turquoise-dominant colors. Au Ver à Soie d'Alger® is a registered trademark of Au Ver à Soie®, an assembly of 7 strands of moderate brilliance easily separable, made from schappe silk (combed silk)
Yellow nuances Pack of 6 skeins of 5m of different colors in the same range of autumn-dominant colors. Au Ver à Soie d'Alger® is a registered trademark of Au Ver à Soie®, an assembly of 7 strands of moderate brilliance easily separable, made from schappe silk (combed silk)