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On sand coloured linen, dim about 20 cm x 38 cm
6 different stitches
Stem stitch, satin stitch, bullion knot, fishbone stitch, fern stitch, wheat stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
stranded versicolore ThreadworX
Threads are not included with the kits but reference numbers of the used threads are given with the kit documentation.
Fall wreath Choice of fabric, sand coloured linen or vanilla linen, dim about 17 cm x 17 cm 13 different stitches stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, French knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, fly stitch, Cretan stitch, back stitch, bullion stitch, buttonhole bullion stitch, detached buttonhole stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery stranded perle cotton House of Embroidery Threads are not included with the kits.
On sand colored linen, dim about 12 cm x 14 cm
10 different stitches
stem stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, plumetis stitch, fishbone stitch, french knot,
blanket stitch, back stitch, straight stitch, straight stitch. For
this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore House of Embroidery
raw silk House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the
Flight of butterflies Choice of fabric, sand coloured linen or vanilla linen, dim about 25 cm x 18 cm 15 different stitches stem stitch, straight stitch, french knot, long and short stitch, fishbone stitch, lazzy daisy, colonial knot, stem stitch, straight stitch, french knot, long and short stitch, fishbone stitch, lazzy daisy, colonial knot, straight stitch, fly stitch, blanket stitch, bullion knot, cast-on stitch, chain stitch, couching, pistil stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery stranded versicolore cotton ThreadworX
Floral mandala
Choice of linen fabric, dim about 24 cm x 24 cm
14 different stitches
stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, French knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, satin stitch, fly stitch, split back stitch, back stitch, Palestrina stitch, Portuguese stem stitch, ribbed spider web, weaving stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
perle cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the kits.
Floral Symphony
On sand colored linen, dim about 36 cm x 16,5 cm
10 different stitches
Back stitch, detached chain stitch, French knot, long and short stitch, satin stitch, Palestrina stitch, split backstitch, stem stitch, straight stitch, whipped running stitch.
For this model, we used
Soie d'Alger (Au Ver à Soie, Paris, or plain stranded cotton DMC.
Threads are not included with the kits.
This design was published in 2022 in the 115th issue of Inspirations magazine.
The original embroidery is realized with Soie d'Alger (Au Ver à Soie, Paris).
The printed linen is accompanied by detailed explanations with many photos as well as a complete list of silk threads (33 colors) and their corresponding colors in DMC stranded cotton.
If you order the model with the Soie d'Alger, please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
On sand colored linen, dim about 24 cm x 24 cm
12 different stitches
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, satin stitch, fishbone stitch, fly stitch, close fly stitch, splitted back stitch, cretan stitch, couching lattice.
For this model, we used
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery, raw silk House of Embroidery, plain stranded cotton DMC and stranded cotton DMC color variations.
Threads are not included with the kits.
Flowered alphabet On sand colored linen, dim about 30 cm x 30 cm 22 different stitches: stem stitch, straight stitch, french knot, long and short stitch, back stitch, fishbone stitch, lazzy daisy, chain stitch, colonial knot, straight stitch, fly stitch, close fly stitch, blanket stitch, bullion knot, bullioned lazzy daisy, pistil stitch, coral stitch. For this model, we used: plain stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery silk ribbon 4mm House of Embroidery /font> Threads are not included in the kits.
Lamp shade On sand or vanilla colored linen, fabric dim 80 cm x 40 cm shade dim (bottom) 30 cm x (top) 15 cm x (side)19 cm 16 different stitches Stem stitch, french knot, chain stitch, blanket stitch, satin stitch, lazzy daisy, straight stitch, fly stitch, fishbone stitch, couching, bullion knot, ribbon spider web, colonial knot, ribbon stitch, cretan stitch, back stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery raw silk House of Embroidery rayon House of Embroidery Threads are not included with the kits.
Flowers on lattice
On vanilla colored linen, dim about 8 cm x 14 cm
14 different stitches
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, blanket stitch, fly stitch, straight stitch, bullion knot,
fishbone stitch, straight stitch, splitted back stitch, long and short stitch, couching, spider web, spider web
whipped. For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the kits.
For this model, we used a lot of colors but with a very small quantity of threads for each one. So we are suggesting you
to adapt the colors to peruse the threads you already have.
Garden of Yesteryear
On sand or vanilla colored linen, dim about 13 cm x 22 cm
15 different stitches
stem stitch,lazy daisy stitch, French knot, spider web, seed stitch, bullion stitch, blanket stitch, straight stitch, fishbone stitch, back stitch, chain stitch, whipped stem stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, ribbon woven rose.
For this model, we used
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery, perle cotton House of Embroidery, ribbon silk House of Embroidery, plain stranded cotton DMC.
Threads are not included with the kits.
Garden side Choice of fabric, sand coloured linen or vanilla linen, dim about 14 cm x 17 cm 20 different stitches stem stitch, stem stitch whipped, lazzy daisy, back stitch, splitted back stitch, cretan stitch, french knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, fishbone stitch, chain stitch, stem stitch, stem stitch whipped, lazzy daisy, back stitch, splitted back stitch, cretan stitch, french knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, fishbone stitch, chain stitch, twisted chain stitch, bullion knot, fly stitch, plumetis stitch, seed stitch, weaving stitch, fishbone stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery raw silk House of Embroidery silk ribbon House of Embroidery Threads are not included in the kits.
On choice of vanilla or sand colored linen, dim about 24 cm x 24 cm
13 different stitches
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, chain stitch, blanket stitch, straight stitch, satin stitch, fishbone stitch, cretan stitch, colonial knot, coral stitch, back stitch, splitted back stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery, raw silk House of Embroidery, plain stranded cotton DMC and stranded cotton DMC color variations.
Threads are not included with the kits.
On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 12 cm
9 different stitches
stem stitch, french knot, bullion knot, blanket stitch, backstitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, plumetis stitch, coral stitch. For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the
Green frog
On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 12 cm
11 different stitches
stem stitch, straight stitch, blanket stitch, splitted back stitch, long and short stitch, satin
stitch, plumetis stitch, couching, bullion knot, lazzy daisy, chain stitch. For
this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Les fils ne sont pas inclus dans les kits.
>Threads are not included in the
Gypsy Heart
On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 10 cm
11 different stitches
Stem stitch, split backstitch, fishbone stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, straight stitch, French knot, blanket stitch, chain stitch, lazy daisy stitch, ribbed spider stitch.
For this model, we used
DMC and House of Embroidery stranded cotton.
Threads are not included with the kits.
This heart is made up of a variety of brightly colored leaves and flowers in very bright colors.
The printed linen has detailed explanations and a complete list of the threads used.
A 3 pages PDF document with full instructions, a list of used threads and pictures for instant download, no shipping required. You are buying a digital file to download, save, and view/print at home.
Traditional Easter
On sand or vanilla colored linen, dim about 10 cm x 8 cm
12 different stitches
Stem stitch, lazy daisy stitch, fishbone stitch, Cretan stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, split backstitch, blanket stitch, French knot, straight stitch, bullion stitch, seed stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton House of Embroidery
DMC stranded cotton
Threads are not included in the
On choice of fabric, sand or vanilla colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 12 cm
8 different stitches
stem stitch, french knot, bullion knot, stem stitch, straight stitch, blanket stitch, splitted back
stitch, long and short stitch, close fly stitch, colonial knot, lazzy daisy. For
this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore and perle cotton House of Embroidery
silk ribbon House of Embroidery
fine wool Renaissance Dying
Les fils ne sont pas inclus dans les kits.
>Threads are not included in the
On sand (or vanilla) colored linen, dim about 24 cm x 24 cm
13 different stitches,
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch, fishbone stitch, straight stitch, fly stitch, back stitch, spider web.
For this model, we used
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
stranded cotton DMC
Threads are not included in the