A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
Angles Games On sand coloured linen, dim about 10 cm x 10 cm 7 different stitches chain stitch, french knot, lazzy daisy, straight stitch, blanket stitch, bullion knot, seed stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery N° 71 Threads are not included in the kits.
Anthea's Garden
On sand coloured linen, dim about 13 cm x 25 cm
12 different stitches
Stem stitch, French knot, lazy daisy stitch, straight stitch, back stitch, split backstitch,
satin stitch, long and short stitch, bullion stitch, ribbed spider stitch, blanket stitch, woven stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC or Soie d'Alger (Au Ver à Soie)
variegated Stef Francis fine Silk
Threads are not included with the kits.
Apple Tree On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 12 cm 9 different stitches stem stitch, lazzy daisy, chain stitch, french knot, close fly stitch, blanket stitch, straight, long and short stitch, satin stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery Threads are not included with the kits.
A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
Basket of Buttercups
On sand colored linen, dim about 8 cm x 14 cm
10 different stitches
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, blanket stitch, fly stitch, spider web, bullion
knot, bullioned lazzy daisy, needle weaving. For this
model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the
Blue Garden On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 22 cm 11 different stitches stem stitch, lazzy daisy et double lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, whipped spider web, fly stitch, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, fishbone stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery Threads are not included in the kits.
The meadow
On sand coloured linen, dim about 18 cm x 30 cm
11 different stitches
Stem stitch, blanket stitch, long and short stitch, bullion knot, pistil stitch, french knot, lazzy daisy, satin stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch, straight stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included with the kits.
A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 12 cm
10 different stitches
stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, fly stitch, close fly stitch, bullion knot, blanket stitch,
straight stitch, spider web, couching. For this model, we
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the
Fleurs des Alpes On choice of fabric, sand or vanilla colored linen, dim about 10 cm x 10 cm 7 different stitches chain stitch, french knot, lazzy daisy, straight stitch, blanket stitch, bullion knot, seed stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery N° 71 Threads are not included in the kits.
A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
English Garden
On sand or vanilla colored linen, dim env. 31 cm x 24 cm
14 different stitches
Stem stitch, back stitch, fly stitch, lazzy daisy, close fly stitch, french knot, colonial knot, straight stitch, spider web, whipped, bullion knot, blanket stitch, ribbon spider web, fishbone stitch, long and short stitch. For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
Threads are not included with the kits.
Entre Deux
On sand coloured linen, dim about 33 cm x 12.5 cm
17 different stitches
Stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web whipped, ribbon spider web, fly stitch, close fly stitch, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, back stitch, bullioned lazzy daisy, fishbone stitch, long and short stitch, ribbon stitch, cross stitch.
For this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
laine St Pierre
Threads are not included with the kits.
A With choice of white linen, sand colored linen, vanilla linen, old rose linen, water soluble fabric, or water soluble fabric and dark linen. Height 12 cm 12 different stitches chain stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, bullioned lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, close fly stitch. Threads are not included in the kits. We do not suggest any range of colors to respect your creativity.
Seasons Fall
On sand coloured linen, dim about 10 cm x 21 cm
11 different stitches
stem stitch, french knot, lazzy daisy, blanket stitch, bullion knot, colonial knot, fly stitch, narrow
fly stitch, straight stitch, ribbon stitch, couching. For
this model, we used
stranded cotton DMC
stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery
perle cotton House of Embroidery
silk ribbon 7 mm House of Embroidery
Threads are not included in the
Fall Basket On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 14 cm 15 different stitches stem stitch, ghiodes knot, cretan stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, close fly stitch, bullioned lazzy daisy, straight stitch, raised stem stitch, long and short stitch, couching lattice, back stitch, blanket stitch, fishbone stitch. This model is comprising some stumpwork elements. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery fine wire Threads are not included in the kits.
Untitled Page On sand colored linen, dim about 9 cm x 21 cm 13 different stitches stem stitch, back stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, colonial knot, spider web whipped, ribbon spider web, fly stitch, bullion knot, bullioned lazzy daisy, blanket stitch, straight stitch, fishbone stitch. For this model, we used stranded cotton DMC stranded versicolore cotton House of Embroidery perle cotton House of Embroidery Threads are not included in the kits.
Flowered wheelbarrow
On sand colored linen, dim about 10 cm x 15 cm
12 different stitches
stem stitch, whipped stem stitch, lazzy daisy, french knot, fly stitch, close fly stitch, bullion knot, blanket stitch, straight stitch, long and short stitch, spider web, ribbon stitch.
Threads are not included with the kits.