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The tenth garland represents peonies

Flowers corollas are embroidered with blanket stitch 1 thread.

We must begin by embroider 5 straight stitches 2 threads star shaped that serve as a base forthe woven rose representing the core of the flower.

here are the completed peonies with their embroidered  leaves in lazy daisy stitch 2 threads.

Weave now the rose with a 4mm silk ribbon to get the desired effect. I advise you not to do a too big rose as it only represents the center of the flower.

The leaves ar embroidered with DMC cotton floss 319.

The flowers are embroidered with DMC cotton floss 351 for the base of the rose and with House of Embroidery raw silk “Good on Black” 89 and  4 mm silk ribbon of the same color for the corollas and the roses.

If you don’t have House of Embroidery threads, I advise you to choose colors close to DMC 351 to embroider your peonies.


Here is an overview of the embroidery after completion of 10 garlands